Its hard to believe that yet another summer has wound itself to an end, and with it the Summer Series. Thanks to you all for coming along and making it such a success. A special thanks for those who even showed on the couple of questionable nights making the work of the course setters and controllers worth while. It was no hardship to be out enjoying the lovely evening tonight, though, especially if you were up on the hill to see the sunset. On nights like tonight it does not seem possible that the summer has finished but by next week our lovely long evenings have gone. There is plenty of orienteering to come, though, both in and outside the city. Close to home we are planning 2 short series of week-night street events which we trialled last year. I am afraid we do not have their dates finalised as yet but the first set is likely to be in May and the second in September. Also in the city will be a series of Park sprint events, probably latish on Saturday afternoons. These will probably be in June or July and will consist of short courses intended to be won in about 12-15 minutes. We may even look to have some prizes for this series any offers to sponsor??? Before any of these, however, there is plenty of action taking place in the forest on Sundays. Most of us feel this is where the fun really is to be had so if you have yet to give the forest a go, do come and give it a try. This Sunday (19th) we are in Woodhill Forest and are starting later so you can do your run Round the Bays before coming to the forest starts between 11.00am and 2.00pm, gate open from 10.30am. Entry via Restall Rd (forest headquarters), off SH16 about 10 minutes north of Waimauku. There will be a training session starting at 2.00pm for all interested in improving their skills, suitable for both inexperienced and those looking to hone their skills for the Nationals. The next Sunday (26th) is the GREAT DAY O. This is an event with a difference!! There are only red courses available ie the courses will be difficult, but more than that they are LONG. Course 1 is 31.2km with 120 controls and 3 map changes!!! The shortest course is Course 4 at a modest 6.7km. This is a pre entry event ie you MUST let us know you are coming. Officially entries closed yesterday but if you feel this event is just for you we are still accepting entries (entry form on the AOC website). April 2nd sees an event at Totara Park and 9th April the 3rd of the Summer Forest events in Woodhill. We then have the Nationals in Nelson at Easter (entries close 24th) and 23rd April sees the 4th of the Summer Forest events in Woodhill. And so it goes on throughout winter!!!!!! Another different event on the horizon is the 2 days of events on 27/28th May being organized as a fundraiser for our Junior orienteering team off to the Junior World Champs in Lithuania. On the Saturday there is a 3 hour Rogaine, and on Sunday, for those of you who prefer orienteering while sitting down there is a Mountain Bike orienteering event more about these events in the future.
For those of you not wanting to do anything until next Summer, have a great winter and we look forward to meeting up again in November for the rest of you if will be great to see you at some of the different events coming up. We will shortly send out an email asking whether you want to keep hearing about the upcoming events or want to not hear from us again until next summer.
Contours 3.7 km 1 Jeff Greenwood 0:24:08 2 Matthew Ng-Wai Shing 0:28:49 Westlake Boys 3 Nick Monteith 0:29:46 4 Claude 0:31:13 5 Nicola Peat 0:33:10 St Cuths 6 Martin Spencer 0:33:45 Kings 7 Christina Freeman 0:33:53 8 Hannah Linkhorn 0:33:56 St Cuths 9 Shane Blackett 0:34:26 10 John Robinson 0:35:10 11 Malcolm Gawn 0:35:20 12 Simon Hoadley 0:36:06 13 Allan Janes 0:36:19 14 Ciaran Murphy 0:36:52 St Kents 15 Elke Haag 0:38:37 16 Emily Murphy 0:42:00 17 Steve Oram 0:42:25 18 Wayne Munro 0:44:37 19 Vic Fitzpatrick 0:45:50 20 Reuben Wilson 0:48:00 21 M Paitry 0:50:55 22 Martin Barber 0:51:46 23 Owen & Carole Means 0:52:40 24 Sirkka Haase 0:53:56 25 Sandra Toppin 0:56:26 26 Irene Smirnova 0:57:35 27 Harry 1:02:00 28 Melvina Wise 1:07:01 29 Catherine Crofts 1:08:00 30 Rae 1:08:40 31 Bert Chapman 1:08:55 32 Roger Woodroofe 1:20:40 Up to the Top 1 James Bradshaw 0:41:16 2 Jaromir Svihovsky 0:41:22 3 Dave 0:41:30 4 Mark Lawson 0:41:48 5 Thomas Reynolds 0:43:27 Westlake Boys 6 Alastair Long 0:44:36 7 Simon Jager 0:44:55 Mt Roskill GS 8 Stuart Lynch 0:45:34 9 Gus Grey 0:46:42 10 Pete Swanson 0:48:15 11 Tim Renton 0:49:08 12 Tania Robinson 0:49:51 13 Neil Kerrison 0:51:01 14 Ionel Popovici 0:52:00 15 Andrew Peat 0:53:26 Kings 16 G Mead 0:54:12 17 Mike Cash 0:54:51 18 Rudy Hlawatsch 0:56:00 19 Matthew Ogden 0:57:11 Massey HS 20 Brian Johnston 0:58:18 21 Darren Gosse 1:02:23 22 Debbie Chambers & Anne Lowerson 1:04:18 23 Jon Taylor 1:05:00 24 Brian Long 1:05:39 25 C Tate 1:05:57 26 Imogene Scott 1:10:04 AIC 27 Team Tommo 1:11:00 28 Fleur & Shane Greaves 1:11:20 29 Tim Taylor 1:11:30 30= Annette Windross 1:12:00 30= Ken Taylor 1:12:00 32 John, Suzanne & Tess 1:12:40 33 Gene Beveridge 1:13:39 Massey HS 34 Alan Moore 1:14:00 35= Anne 1:15:00 35= Phil 1:15:00 37 Ellis Lam 1:19:19 38 Kevin Thong 1:38:02 39 Francis Wong 1:43:00 40= Colin 1:45:00 40= Nicole Girvan 1:45:00 40= Carl Mintrom 1:45:00 Ian Kwan No time Up to the Top 1 Andrew Riddell 0:31:08 AGS 2 Aiden Ellmers 0:33:23 3 Nick Mead 0:34:40 4 Michael Herring 0:35:58 5 Lisa Mead 0:38:05 6 Xander Seymour 0:38:50 AGS 7 Tyler Elliott 0:38:58 Westlake Boys 8 Stephen Kestle 0:40:11 9 Norm Jager 0:40:20 10 Steve Hardy 0:42:18 11 Roger Ward 0:42:40 12 Ben Ng-Wai Shing 0:43:36 Westlake Boys 13 Tom Goodman 0:43:39 14 Daniel Bowler 0:44:20 Westlake Boys 15 Richard Webb 0:44:38 16 Daniel Allen 0:45:15 AGS 17 Craig Pearce 0:46:07 18 Simon Lieschke 0:47:08 19= Steve McCormick 0:47:12 19= Doug Anderson 0:47:12 21 Patrick 0:47:14 22 David Teirney 0:48:00 23 Stephen Reynolds 0:48:12 24 Scott Mackenzie 0:49:00 Kings 25 David Scott 0:50:23 26 Kane & Shannon 0:50:37 27 Jeff Louis 0:51:33 28 Alysha Blackwell 0:51:40 29 Rob & Megan 0:52:19 30= Deirdre Ayrton 0:52:30 30= Penny Brothers 0:52:30 32 Kate Smirnova 0:54:08 EGGS 33 Christophe Jammes 0:55:00 AGS 34 Melanie Hughes 0:55:16 35 Alina Smirnova 0:55:22 AIC 36 Joe Beaton 0:58:00 37= Cath 0:59:00 37= S & S 0:59:00 37= Anon 0:59:00 40 Miles Paver 1:02:40 41= Sarah & Ivan 1:03:00 41= Ann & Thelma 1:03:00 43 Diane Taylor 1:06:00 44 Ben Pomroy 1:11:00 45 Brent, Wendy & Shaun 1:11:29 46 Jana 1:13:00 47= Sandra Shewan 1:14:00 47= Alison Chapman 1:14:00 49 Ewart & Joanne 1:15:00 50 Rob Wadmore 1:17:39 51= Beth & Nigel 1:18:00 51= Rosie Hewlett 1:18:00 53 Jules 1:21:00 54 Mark Wilson & Natasha Wilson 1:22:00 55 Team HAMZ 1:25:00 56 David Wadmore 1:40:00 57 Fraser Wadmore 1:43:00 Up to the Top 1 Alistair Beeton 0:25:06 Westlake Boys 2 G Elliott 0:33:30 3 Marc Magerkorth 0:36:30 Lynfield Coll 4 Philippa McBride 0:38:30 Westlake Girls 5 Karen Vines 0:38:56 6 Joanne Mahe 0:40:00 7 Mandy McBride 0:41:00 8 Fiona Mayhill 0:41:43 9= Alice Ross 0:42:00 St Cuths 9= Vish 0:42:00 11 Adele Forster 0:42:10 12 Katherine Reynolds 0:42:46 MAGS 13 Renee Beveridge 0:43:22 St Dominics Coll 14 Sandra Howard 0:45:28 15= Bridget Lambert 0:45:43 EGGS 15= Cecelia Lambert 0:45:43 EGGS 17 Cindy, Bruce, Kalen, Lyn & Paige Weir 0:45:50 18 Brett Fraser 0:45:56 Westlake Boys 19 CDR Rolinson 0:46:52 AGS 20 Merryn Ng-Wai Shing 0:48:00 21 Judy 0:49:31 22 H Yang 0:50:00 EGGS 23 Phillip Barber 0:51:09 24 TD Holden 0:53:00 25 Liz P & Ross 0:54:04 26 Katrina & Abbey Paterson 0:55:00 27 Nathaniel Hood 0:55:57 28= Eileen Hood 0:56:00 28= Nicola & Marion Gray 0:56:00 30 Carolyn 0:56:44 31 Elizabeth & Sue 0:57:00 32 Jonathan & Zak Allen 0:58:00 Massey High 33 Yuntien Liu 0:58:50 Westlake Boys 34= Peggy Kan 1:01:00 34= Gillian 1:01:00 34= P Mellsop 1:01:00 37 Mari Kvasnickova 1:02:00 38 Callum O'Brien 1:03:00 39= D Beveridge 1:04:00 39= Tiegan O'Brien 1:04:00 41 Kendra Billington 1:07:28 42= Julia Lee 1:09:00 Westlake Girls 42= Keith Spencer-Edgar 1:09:00 44 Aimee & Justin Wilson 1:10:00 Cammell Guides 45= Jen & Caio 1:12:00 45= Carolyn & Katherine Kestle 1:12:00 47= Lucy Han 1:13:00 47= Sherry Hsu 1:13:00 47= Andrew Yin 1:13:00 50= Purita Mok 1:14:00 EGGS 50= Joy Yang 1:14:00 EGGS 52 Minh 1:15:00 AIC 53 Weekend Warriors 1:17:00 54 R Bennett 1:23:00 55 Alex Weir 1:24:00 56= Kans & Jackie 1:25:00 56= Mao Asako 1:25:00 56= Andrew Lomax 1:25:00 59= Julia Musgrave 1:31:17 59= Susanne Musgrave 1:31:17 61 Lydia Farrell 1:40:00 St Cuths 62= Nina Whittaker 1:41:00 St Cuths 62= Caitlin Hutching 1:41:00 St Cuths 64= Joanne Jamieson 2:00:00 Rangitoto Coll 64= Phoebe Lee 2:00:00 Rangitoto Coll Up to the Top 1= A Webb 0:15:05 AGS 1= SR Gapes 0:15:05 AGS 3 James Knightbridge 0:18:50 Westlake Boys 4 Jackson Chu 0:20:00 Westlake Boys 5 Tristan Ware 0:21:00 6 Kyle Battersby 0:28:30 Westlake Boys 7 Erika Mahe & Christine Munro 0:29:00 8 Danny Kwok 0:30:15 Westlake Boys 9 Tae Young Yoon 0:33:43 Westlake Boys 10 Tim Dorrian 0:33:57 Westlake Boys 11 Nikita Mahe 0:37:00 12 Hannah Lockie 0:40:08 St Dominics Coll 13 Andrew Mackenzie 0:41:00 14 Kate Ingold 0:42:00 Age 4 15 M Gillies 0:43:00 Westlake Boys 16= Caitlin Hamilton 0:46:20 16= Emma Hamilton 0:46:20 18 Adelle 0:58:00 19= Chris Paterson 1:02:00 19= Ryan Moore 1:02:00 21 Matthew (5) & Sophie (3) 1:03:00 Kirsty Whyte No time |
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